Cllr. Mary Mears
BH2020/02835 - Land To The Rear Of 28-30 Longhill Road
As a ward councillor for Rottingdean Coastal I wish to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:
This planning application for 4 houses is an increases from the previous planning application for 2 houses and in my opinion an even greater over development of the site.
This will impact on Brighton and Hove’s first identified wildlife corridor that connects two parts of the South Downs National Park which provides an essential habitat for a large number of species some of which are rare.
This proposed development will have a irreversible impact on flora and fauna in the newly designated Local Wildlife Site (LWS) – Ovingdean Copse, and will ultimately undo all the amazing work undertake by the council to ensure
this site was designated to protect this wildlife corridor.
The destruction of this site will also include the loss of many more trees, which will have a harmful effect on the landscape.
Should the decision be to grant this planning application under delegated powers, I wish this planning application to go to the planning committee and reserve my right to speak.